Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kindergarten already?!

I seriously don't know where the time has gone...I can't believe William started kindergarten!! He did awesome and was so you can tell. His backpack was as big as he is. William walked right into his class and sat down with no problem. Yes I cried and yes Chris made fun of me...but I'm sorry that's my baby boy all grown it's high school graduation. Oh I just got a realty check.

But he did great his first week. After 2 days of walking him to class on Wednesday I dropped him off at the parents drop off line. I couldn't believe I was watching my child walk from my car into school all by himself. I felt like at that moment the cord was cut. I know it sounds funny but his independence was so overwhelming. I just can't believe how fast he's grown up.

1 comment:

The Normans said...

I am excited but so terrified of that moment when Noah gains his independence. I think my heart will break but at the same time be so proud. Scary emotions!!!