Thursday, September 16, 2010

It has DEFINITELY been a while...

Can you tell I have 2 kids? I can't believe it's been almost 2 months since my last posting. So much has been going on, I am multi tasking like I've never imagined I would. Eating with one hand and bouncing a bouncer with my foot while dodging flying objects thrown from William. I feel like a ninja instead of a mom at times. Here is July in a nutshell.

We had our fist trip to Austin!! William did awesome watching his movies as usual the whole way. Ryder did good too up until we hit Austin. He got a bit fussy but calmed himself back to sleep just long enough for me to make it to my parents house. It was a nice relaxing weekend. William always has so much fun there and I was able to catch up on some sleep thanks to my mom helping out with the midnight feedings.

I couldn't resist having sundae's on a hot Sunday. Perhaps my cravings hadn't gone away but William and I couldn't resist. It was like a little ice cream buffet that afternoon.

making it absolutely perfect!

When Ryder was a little over a week old my high school girl friends all got together for dinner and bonding. It's amazing how we have been friends for so long. I love watching all our families grow. Here are just a few of the babies...there are more on the way. I'm going to have to get a photo shoot of all these kids together once they are all born.

Here is Makena (Kathryn's baby girl) and Callen (Megan's 4th)

Callen, Alexis (Deidra's baby girl), Ryder, and Makena
I love how curious Makena was...she couldn't take her hands off of Ryder!

Hello bright eyes!!

This is CLASSIC...Alexis is giving Ryder kisses. These two are only one month apart...Ryder likes older girls so this union will work out perfectly!!

Here is Ryder's first bath and Daddy trying to comfort him. I swear it's so traumatizing for these babies to bathe. After a few tries in this tub we decided to go a different route. He was not a happy camper. I am happy to announce that after a new purchase Ryder is much happier with his soft bath tub.

My little old man!!

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