Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Abundantly Blessed

It's a wonderful thing when you can say how blessed your life is. The Addison's are definitely a blessed family.

Chris recently got promoted and now has his own store and I'm so proud of him. He's worked so hard and definitely earned it.

William is playing T-ball and is almost done with his first year of pre-school. He's learned so much this past year. Of course the basics like the alphabet and spelling his name, sharing and listening to the teacher. I love the songs he's learned at school. It's awesome to hear your child sing songs he's learned and praise God at the same time. It's funny to hear him sing Hallelujah and spell JESUS! I definitely need to get those songs on video, he's learned so many they are so stinking cute. It has been a wonderful year of preparation for kindergarden next year...yikes!

As for me, my photography business is booming. I can't believe how busy I have been, I am not complaining at all. For updates on what I've been up to visit me at or for my recent photo shoots. It's funny how all of a sudden I'm so busy and I'm doing all of this pregnant. I feel like my belly is about to explode. I have a feeling that after May I will take a break and pick back up after Ryder is born. Between my belly and the Texas heat, it will probably be for the best to rest up and get ready for our little bundle of joy!

Speaking of Ryder, what a stinker. He's getting pretty big, my belly is sticking straight out. It's interesting how each pregnancy is different. With William I was huge all over, literally from head to toe. With Ryder my belly is the only thing expanding...thankfully. I am hoping I don't swell like I did with William, but I have 2 more months to go so anything is possible. As for now we are just having fun watching him move all around. Chris loves to try and figure out if it is his hand or foot we are feeling. I swear it's like he's rearranging furniture in there. It's interesting how he's only active at night, so I have a feeling we might have a night owl on our hands. But I love feeling him kick, it's such an amazing feeling to experience. William gets a kick out of it pun intended!

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