Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's been a while...

I just noticed how long it's been since I last blogged, there has been a lot going on! William started school, and recently soccer. I have had a few inquiries and sessions with my new photography business, Chris is coaching soccer, I'm team mom, and to top it off, Chris has been working hard and attending school. (....sigh....)

Our most recent news is William has been visited by the "Tube Fairy" (will explain later, kind of long story) and has purchased his Halloween costume and doesn't want to take it off....yes, he wanted to be a Super-Hero so he is the "Black Spider man"....with built in muscles!! That cracks me up all by itself!

I couldn't be happier, our lives are busy but we are all together sharing this madness! I have a lot to be thankful for...God is Great!

I have every intention of posting's on my list of things to do!!

In the mean time, check out my photography blog!

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