Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Potty Victory

It's official, William is potty trained...can I get a choo choo!!! I didn't want to jinx anything and really wanted to see how the weeks played out. After my birthday I decided, no more pull-ups, no more diapers. We are still doing pull-ups for bedtime and I don't see that going away anytime soon. (That's another issue, are there any pull-ups out there that actually work for night time? I use pampers night time but they still leak.) I knew he could do it, he was doing awesome in school, at home was the challenge. But he's going all by himself and I hardly have to ask him and it's no longer a battle. I've also phased out the potty basket. We where going broke trying to bribe him. I'm just so excited, this is a huge milestone!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

we've had to watch the amount of liquid Anna has after about 7:00. Then she has to pee before bed. When she gets up in the middle of the night we make her go again. The night time pull ups we used never leaked but she may not wet as much as William.