Sunday, March 8, 2009

Baby Shower and Houston

This weekend was the baby shower for a close friend in Katy. I was only going to stay Friday night but Chris said I deserved a nice, long, relaxing, child-free weekend with my friends. He's so awesome!! I got an early start and got into Katy to help out with what ever I could for the baby shower. Like always when we get together there is always some type of adventure. After food prep came the cocktails. It was just Deidra, Tracy and I completely husband-less and we were enjoying our girl time when all of a sudden Tracy spotted a snake in the corner of her eye. After a ton of screams (a few tears) and jumping on the couch, we contained the "BEAST" in the hall closet. It was just our luck, the one time the husbands are not with us a snake finds it's way in the house. So what do 3 girls screaming on a couch do when a snake is in the closet? We called a guy to help us out! Thankfully after 20 minutes or so of searching (that closet was a black hole for blankets) he found the snake and "took care of it". Needless to say, the rest of the night we were on pins and needles, and I slept with one eye open. The next day was the baby shower. It was awesome seeing all the ladies and new babies!! I swear, give us the time and we could talk forever!! It was great seeing everyone! Once I get pictures I'll post them!

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