Monday, March 8, 2010

It's been a while...

Goodness, I just realized how long it's been since I've blogged last. In addition to getting ready for Ryder, we've done a few things in between. My belly is definitely growing and Ryder is such a mover. He's mostly active at night and and when I play music for him. Yes, I'm that mom who plays music for her unborn child. Mostly classical, but I'm waiting for Chris to switch the CD to either Rush or's only a matter of time. William is loving the idea more and more each day about being a big brother. He thinks that along with the "big brother" title he's suppose to grow each day too. He is constantly measuring himself against me and Chris as well as weighing himself nightly. He has also had me go as far as to pull his legs while he holds on to our ottoman. He thinks I'm going to stretch him out...that kid cracks me up!

The next couple of entries are mostly pictures...I finally got around to organizing!!

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