Monday, July 27, 2009

HOT Monday

Last Monday Melissa had asked me to join her and the kids to a mother's day outing at Mercer Arboretum. I have never been there and William and I are always up for new things, especially new places to take pictures. To say this place was beautiful is an understatement. I couldn't believe all the plants, flowers, and the all around view. My allergies behaved that day, thank goodness, and the kids had a great time! I always love hanging out with the Sorensen's, when our kids get together, they are just full of life!! Anna and William are just adorable. I honestly thought Cole might dive into a pond or something. He always has this look like he's up to something. If he would have, I might have joined him. At one point I thought my flip flops were going to melt it was so hot that day!

Who knew you could have so much fun with a leaf! The kids were taking turns holding the leaf and playing follow the leader, then we had to get each one a leaf...sharing got kind of old!


Melissa said...

Great pictures! The one of Cole where the top of his head is cut off is probably my favorite of him. I wish I would have gotten some better ones since I earned it with sweating so dang much.

Melissa said...

forgot to mention William and that leaf made me laugh. The one where is face is half covered was adorable.

Deanna said...

I really think our kids make the pictures awesome!! I couldn't believe how darn hot it was...I need to remember a hat next time!