Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bye Bye Nap Time

Oh I have been dreading this day but knew it was going to happen sooner or later. William is rapidly growing out of nap time. I cherished this time of the day, I loved it, I celebrated it and now its gone. Two things are wrong with this. First, I looked forward to 2 hours of complete alone time and sanity. It was my time to regain my composure and take on the second half of the day. Not to mention, clean and organize in peace and quiet! And second, my boy is growing up...tear! It's just one more milestone that we are facing....oh what's next?


The Normans said...

Ouch! I am so not looking forward to those times! You are a strong woman! :-)

Unknown said...

you need to tell me how to do the collages?? is it software that you have to buy??

Deanna said...

No, actually it's through Picasa. I just downloaded the newest version and edit pictures and create collages. It's very simple...and FREE!