Sunday, June 13, 2010

Family Update

Our family has hit a few busy spurts here and there. When things come to an end and the Summer begins, there is always some over lapping of events. William is officially finished with Pre-K and I've had to do my best to keep him busy. Luckily we have enjoyed several play dates and Aunt Deidra's pool has been a life saver!! William is back in full swimming form. Last Summer ended with him swimming and both Chris and I where wondering if he would forget all that he learned. Apparently that is not the case. He's jumping off the diving board and literally swimming across the pool, just like riding a bike apparently. T-ball has also come to and end, but I don't mind that too was getting pretty toasty outside. Next will be soccer in the fall. Our only decision is with what league. He's now old enough to join KYSA and we aren't sure if he's going to get all that much out of the YMCA. We'll just have to cross that bridge when we get there.

I've also enrolled William in a 9 week reading class. Since he's going to kinder garden next year I thought I'd give him a head start in the reading department. He has shown such interest in learning how to read his book and William has a tendency to do better in a class room setting so I have a feeling this will be good for him. Check back at the end of the Summer to see his progress.

Two weeks ago Chris had knee surgery. When we lived in Austin Chris had knee surgery on his left knee and it was now his right knee's turn to get some work done. He's been doing awesome with his recovery. Not like he's under any pressure with a baby on the way, but he really is doing a great job.

And now on to Ryder. Last week I went for my regular check up and discussed delivery dates. My doctor has put down July 5 as our delivery date. She has also recommended that I visit a high risk doctor because of a slight abnormality I had with my last ultrasound. My amniotic fluid is high. There could be a number of reasons but to make sure all bases were covered she wanted to know the reason behind the high fluid. This morning we went and the specialist ran all her tests. She was able to confirm that the brain and heart activity are in great shape which was the main concern that could effect swallowing. The belly has a good amount of fluid in it and we saw the face. Her theory behind the high fluid could be an overactive bladder, cleft pallet, or just something unknown. She's leaning toward a cleft pallet because it is apparently inherited and both sides of my family have that trait. She said it's not the end of the world, but does need to be corrected with surgery a few months down the road. Chris and I are praying everything is normal but are also prepared for any speed bumps too. The doctor today also suggested an earlier delivery date so we are now looking at 2 short weeks until we meet Ryder!!!! We are so excited and William is getting pretty impatient and ready to become a big brother!!

1 comment:

Erin Weaver said...

Praying for baby Ryder and that all is normal! You've got a ton of people supporting you! Can't wait to meet him July 5th!