Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Superhero in training!

There just aren't enough superheros in the world! Lately William has been on a huge superhero kick. He is in love with all things Batman and Spiderman, and recently Star Wars. His imagination cracks me up and recently it's been on overdrive. He insists on wearing some sort of superhero pj's to bed each night. This special request has caused me to do his laundry more frequently and he's dressed as either Spiderman, Darth Vader, or a Transformer almost each day. The other day I was in his room cleaning and I walked into the living room to find Darth Vader with a Dirt Devil vacuuming....yes I was cracking up! Yesterday William was watching Spiderman and I walked by to find him dressed in his black Spiderman costume upside down on his chair imitating Spiderman sliding down his web. But this story is his imagination at his best. On Sunday he tried to convince me and Chris that he was bit by a "radio spider" (not a radio active spider) but a "radio spider". He said that he will be able to climb up walls and he'll have webs coming out of his hands. Chris and I didn't have the heart to tell him it wasn't real, so we told him just to be careful when he's jumping from building to building. I swear, William's imagination is so stinking fun...I hope it never fades away!!
Recently I added a lightsaber to his costume...which he LOVES!!

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