Friday, December 4, 2009

Big News!

November has quickly come and gone and I can't believe Christmas is around the corner.

First let me start with some extremely exciting news....Chris and I are expanding our family and expecting our second baby in July. We are over the moon excited!!! William is really pumped about being a big brother. I'm really glad we waited, I couldn't imagine focusing my attention to another child other than William. He's finally at that age where he understands what a baby brother or sister means. If you ask him what he wants, he says a girl and calls her Lala (his favorite little girlfriend's name) and then he says he wants a Brandlund (Lala's brother) and then he says he wants both. Well thankfully at my last ultrasound the doctor confirmed that there is only one baby brewing in my belly so the chances of twins is out! Thank goodness because I'm not the best multi tasker. So now we just have to wait patiently to see what the sex will be. At first I did not want to find out, but who am I kidding, I can't even keep a surprise from Chris, how would I expect to keep one from myself? So we are finding out. I just went to my first ultrasound the other day and the doctor said the heartbeat is very strong and we got the first picture of our little peanut. I think reality really sets in once you hear the heartbeat and see the image of God's creation growing inside you...and just as I thought, I was just as amazed with hearing the heartbeat of this baby as I was the first time hearing it with William. God's miracles...what a blessing!

So here are some funny things William has been doing to get ready for baby number 2. He's been talking to my belly button. I'm not showing yet, although I feel my pants getting tighter by the day. William just doesn't understand that the baby is really small and it's in there but it's just hard to see. The other day I was getting dressed and he put his tiny two pointer fingers in my belly button and began to spread it open as far as he can and tried to take a peek inside. I was cracking up because all he said..."Mom I don't see the baby" then he looked behind my back and said, "no baby there either". I was laughing so darn cute was that? He's also started singing to my stomach all his Christmas songs....he's going to get big brother of the year and the baby isn't here yet!

1 comment:

Staci said...

Well look at you you are a blogging maniac! Congrats, we are so happy for you and can't wait for the newest addition to our family. Crossing my fingers for a girl!!!!!