Friday, November 14, 2008

It's been a while...

Goodness, it's been a while since I've posted something. Looks like I need to play a little catch-up once again. I've been busy I promise, but for some reason I just can't recall everything I've been doing.

This past weekend we went to visit William's grandparents in Dallas. That was so fun, it was a GORGEOUS weekend, the weather was absolutely perfect! We spent most of our time outside. It's amazing how fast time goes by when you are having fun!

Unfortunately Monday rolled around and William was struck with a bug of some sorts. He was running a high fever and vomited a couple of our bed. Just one of the wonderful perks of being parents I guess. One unnecessary trip to the doctor and a few shots of children's motrin and he was back to normal. I don't know why paranoia sets in and Chris and I always feel like we have to rush him to the doctor for a high fever. Perhaps my overly protective parents repeating every possible scenario got in my head...better to be safe then sorry. But of course William is back in action, being even more dramatic than usual. He has a new word, 'throw-up' and he's not affraid to use it. A few times Chris and I were terrified the few times he said it (hey, when someone throws up in your bed, you have to be prepared for everything) and yesterday at school he had the teachers attention and when we picked him up, he was in the "sick kid section."

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