Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bring on the rice cereal

These pictures crack me up. Ryder really can lay on the sappy faces pretty strong. They melt my heart...his bottom lip is classic!! Last week we decided to start Ryder on rice cereal. The decision was out of pure desperation that he might sleep through the night. He did sleep a little longer but has one feeding instead of two. I'm not complaining at all! Ryder did AWESOME with his first bowl. It took some getting use to using, the spoon is such a big change from the bottle. I've noticed that he does get very impatient if you don't spoon it in fast enough. One time I didn't make enough and he freaked out while I was making seconds. Chris and I call him our little race car, he can go from zero to sixty in no time!! What can I say, my boy likes to eat!

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