Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ryder's Newborn Pictures

Here is our newest additions, Ryder Warren Addison!! He's every bit of precious and extremely handsome!!! I know, watch out proud mom is here...but he is truly a wonderful addition to our family, God is amazing to bless our lives with such wonderful boys!!

Proud Big Brother!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


There was a lot to celebrate on the 4th, the entire family was finally together! Ryder was able to come home late on July 3rd and we couldn't be happier!! He was given a clean bill of health and all the treatments where a success. Adjusting to having 2 children isn't that bad yet, maybe it's because all that Ryder does is eat, sleep and poop!! I mentioned to Chris that I just don't remember William sleeping this much. But I'm not complaining, I know these days are numbered and the sleepless nights are just around the corner. As of now Ryder is doing awesome. He eats about every 3 hours and is up to 2 1/2 ounces. Sometimes he takes 3 ounces but for the most part he's consistently taking 2 1/2. William loves being the "Big Brother"! He has taken on the roll of "Mommy's little helper" and is taking his duties very serious. He loves to hold the bottles during feedings and watch me change diapers. William is apparently terrified of getting peed on so he keeps a safe distance, it's pretty funny. But there's not doubt about it, William's favorite thing to do with Ryder is shower him with kisses!!

On the 4th, Uncle Christian and Uncle Robert came to visit and hold Ryder for the first time. It was so sweet to see these "giants" hold this tiny baby. You could tell they where being extra careful and a tad bit emotional....they are such awesome uncles!

William wearing his Big Bro shirt proudly!

Uncle Chi Chi...so sweet!


Uncle Robert taking a good look at his new "Pards"

So sweet!

William's first time meeting Ryder. He was pretty confused on how this process worked. I don't blame him, this whole ordeal of Ryder being in the NICU was very unexpected. Every time I left the house he would kiss my belly and say bye to Ryder not understanding that he was already born. For all he knows, we picked up a baby in the gift shop on the way home and now he's his little brother.

Ready to come home!

Getting dressed for the big home coming

TUBE FREE!!! The wires were about to come off.

This picture was taken the day before he came home...his face is so adorable!!